Saturday, December 31, 2011

Premature Ejaculation Info

Premature ejaculation is a dysfunction that has yet to receive a thorough scientific and medical diagnosis. Throughout the ages, the definition of what it is has altered. Masters and Johnson were a research team that was devoted to exploring sexual dysfunctions but they were only able to provide some basic premature ejaculation info and their definition of premature dysfunction was simply if a man ejaculated before his partner had an orgasm.

This definition did not sit well with most men. For starters, it may be the woman who has a problem with achieving orgasm, and not the man's fault for being able to achieve one before her. Secondly, it was reported that well over half of all sexual encounters actually ended with the man's partner not having yet orgasming.

Premature ejaculation was then loosely defined as a man ejaculating 2 minutes or less after having penetrated his partner. This failed to take into account, however, the amount and time spent in foreplay. If any oral sex or touching or even kissing was involved prior to intercourse, this may very well vary the amount of time a man can last inside his partner without ejaculating.

Modern times has generally defined premature ejaculation as a man not having control over when he ejaculates, which in turn causes emotional and sexual distress of one or both lovers involved in the intercourse.

To further complicate matters, these days there are also two defined "types" of this condition. There is primary premature ejaculation, which is more of a long term issue - if you are a man who has always seemed to jump the gun with his climaxes, this may very well be you. There is then secondary premature ejaculation, which refers to a man suddenly suffering from premature ejaculation when he was able to perform normally before.

There are two more classifications of premature ejaculations: the normal variable (when premature ejaculation occurs seldom) and premature-like (when a man is able to have intercourse well beyond 2-5 minutes, yet both he and his partner expect him to last longer).

Before you start blaming yourself for any sort of premature ejaculation dysfunction, it is important for you to acknowledge that there are a number of factors that can be causing the problem and that is it not directly your fault.

Physical factors include any head, neck or spinal cord injuries. These will impair both nerve and hormonal responses to sex, often causing either premature ejaculation or no ejaculation at all (erectile disorder).

Psychological factors also definitely come into play. These may or may not include repression, depression, and stress. So if you have been finding yourself working over time and hardly catching a break at work, there's a good chance that this very stress is what is causing your problem.

Genetics have recently been suspected to also play a role in premature ejaculations. You may want to do a bit of digging in the family history to see if your father, brother(s), any uncle(s) or grandfathers may have suffered from this dysfunction.

Fortunately, there are a number of treatments available, ranging from medical to psychological, and medical to natural. Consult our medical practitioner to find the best treatment option for you.

Hi My name is Paul Williams. After actively looking for years for ways to solve premature ejaculation, I finally stumbled upon a solution that permanently put an end to all my PE problems. If you want more premature ejaculation info and ways to permanently get rid of this condition and improve your sexual performance, then feel free to visit my site on Premature Ejaculation.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Preventing Premature Ejaculation - A Premature Ejaculation Solution in 60 Seconds

Many men have come to strongly dislike physical intimacy since they suffer from early ejaculation. Early ejaculation is the condition whereby a man reaches orgasm before satisfying their partner sexually. This condition is extremely embarrassing, and makes sexual encounters frustrating experiences for both partners. However, premature ejaculations need not rob one the joy of satisfying sex. This is because it can be remedied. There exist several premature ejaculation solutions.

The premature ejaculation solutions that one applies depend on the underlying cause of the premature ejaculation. There are three main causes of premature ejaculations: biological, physical or mental problems. Biological causes are extremely rare, and may include chemical imbalances in the nervous system that bring about early ejaculations. In fact, some sex researchers believe that biological causes of premature ejaculations may be hereditary. Unfortunately, premature ejaculation solutions for those suffering from premature ejaculations as a result of biological causes need to visit their physician for a full diagnosis and treatment.

Physical causes of early ejaculations are tied in to the various muscles involved in the ejaculation process. Chief among these muscles is the pubococcygeus muscle [PC] which is involved in expelling semen from the male organ. People with premature ejaculation normally lose control of this all important muscle, leading to premature ejaculation, especially under extreme arousal. Among the best early ejaculation solutions for this type of problem involves performing kegel exercises. A typical exercise involves controlling the flow of urine during urination, stopping it midway and then resuming urination. With time, one develops control over the PC muscles to the extent that one can determine when they will ejaculate. This exercise, performed over a long duration of time, is guaranteed to be one of the most permanent of all premature ejaculation solutions.

Mental causes of early ejaculation include temporary stress and depression, fear and anxiety, unresolved conflicts between the partners or even unreal expectations harbored by the male, this can take the form of expecting yourself to last hours when you knwo your can not. Premature ejaculation solutions for mental causes are normally aimed at distracting the mind just before ejaculation takes place, as one feels sexual energy build up. The distractions normally take the form of mental images not related to sex or an engaging mental process such as recalling the number of runs done by your favorite cricket players. The distractions take the mind off sex and slightly diminish the arousal level and thus inhibit ejaculation. It takes time and will power, but the rewards are well worth it in the end.

There are many premature ejaculation control techniques which include; mental barriers, physical training and a few secret techniques that are actually copyrighted. All of these techniques and more can be found within Stop Early Ejaculation.

Master your own body today and get rid of the anxiety, the guilt and the shame that you have been carrying around and stop early ejaculation during sex! Premature ejaculation cures do exist but the most reliable are the ones where you train your own body.

(c) Copyright - Tyrone Campbell expert author.

Controlling Premature Ejaculation With The Help Of Hypnosis

Premature ejaculation is something that is seen in men and it as believed that about 40% men have the problem of premature ejaculation. This problem is said to be quick ejaculation (or escape of sperm in a very short time), where a person ejaculates within two minutes or less, if this is the case then a person is said to have premature ejaculation. This is common in two kinds of people, the ones who masturbate on regular basis or the person that is having a sexual intercourse for the first time. A first timer won't be counted as a premature ejaculator as he was having sex for the first time, during this course he might have enjoyed the ultimate experience for the first time where his excitement level had reached a great height and due to this he might have ejaculated in a very quick time. However this should not be made a habit. The case with the person who masturbates on regular basis might be that he is masturbating at a great speed and ejaculates in a quick time. This way his orgasm is taught to ejaculate instantly, this will occur during sexual intercourse where the person won't be able to have long sex, discomforting his partner who might have not finished with sex. Other cases of premature ejaculation could be related to a medical condition.

Premature ejaculation has one more important cause other than the above stated, the one that is related to a persons mind. Many people try and take a premature ejaculation treatment pill that will allow them to have an erection for longer, however this has to be consumed every time before having sex. Why not remove the root cause of premature ejaculation, your mind. Your mind is the one that directs you to the premature ejaculation. A first timer will feel a sense of urgency in order to finish sex before the chance is lost. In this case your mind forced you to do two wrong things, firstly finish of the intercourse quickly before the chance was lost and secondly, when you finished your sex quickly your partner was not satisfied. Even a person that masturbates hurriedly will have premature ejaculation where your mind has got the idea of finishing ejaculation within less than two minutes.

Then it is your mind that needs healing. The best treatment related to mind is hypnosis. Hypnosis will act as a premature ejaculation cure for you. This will be available for you in the form of mp3; you can download this from the Internet and once done you can start using it. This mp3 content will deal with your mind allowing it to learn the proper way of dealing with sexual intercourse. At the time of sexual activities this will help you in getting delayed ejaculation and allowing you and your partner to enjoy sex. Mp3 contents consist of hypnosis and many have got amazing benefits from it so why are you waiting, get yourself treated now. Control the condition before it leads to serious compatibility problems.

For more on premature ejaculation cure and how to stop premature ejaculation visit the links.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Premature Ejaculation Treatment: Defeat This Humiliating Condition Before Its Too Late

Men with this sexual problem experience uncontrolled ejaculation before or shortly after sexual penetration. It is common to experience this condition occasionally; however, if it occurs very frequent then a man is already suffering from premature ejaculation and should find ways to treat this sexual condition.

Causes of Premature Ejaculation:

Although the exact cause of premature ejaculation has not yet been known, many believe that it may be caused by physiological or psychological reasons. Having sex after a long time or with a new partner, anxiety to reach climax are just some of the psychological factors that may lead to premature ejaculation. Anxiety and relationship problems between partners could also cause men to ejaculate earlier that usual. Thyroid problems, neurological or vascular problems, abnormal hormone levels and abnormal levels of neurotransmitters in the brain are biological factors that may also lead to premature ejaculation.

Problems arising from premature ejaculation:

Men suffering from premature ejaculation also suffer from low self-esteem. Their inability to last long and be able to satisfy their partner makes them feel embarrassed. Premature ejaculation may affect interpersonal and sexual relationships between partners, which sometimes may even result in loss of interest in sex. Aside from the emotional issues that may be affected by this sexual condition, it may also cause infertility for couples wanting to conceive. This I think will cause a major problem for couples affected by this condition.

Common Premature Ejaculation Treatment Solutions:

Medications - There has been no known drug to cure premature ejaculation as of this time, although in some countries, there have been reports of a new prescription drug called Priligy dapoxetine which was approved as a premature ejaculation treatment. But most likely, doctors will only prescribe an antidepressant

Sex Therapy - Seeking professional help is another way to treat premature ejaculation. With sex therapy, doctors do counseling to men who are suffering from this sexual condition. Avoiding intercourse for a certain period is sometime recommended to get rid of stress out of sex. Masturbating at less an hour or two before sexual intercourse is also being recommended to delay ejaculating during sex.

Learning delay techniques - Techniques such as the "squeeze technique" is being done to delay ejaculation. This method is done by gently squeezing the head of the penis before the point of ejaculation. This is done to withhold the stimulation for a few minutes; it could be done repeatedly until ejaculation is desired. By doing this technique, men learn to control the delay of ejaculation.

Topical Anesthetic Creams - It is also recommended by some doctors to use topical anesthetic creams containing lignocaine. These topical creams make the head of the penis numb, causing a dull sensation on the penis. These creams are safe to use and could help delay ejaculation. Be careful not to get this cream on your partner, as she will experience reduced sensitivity leading to you have to last even longer to give her the same satisfaction.

Premature ejaculation is a very common sexual problem that is experienced by many men. Although there has not been any scientific evidence known to cause this type of sexual condition, there are many ways to treat it. The common premature ejaculation treatment ideas that were presented in this article are the techniques that worked for men who suffered from this condition. It may also work for you; it's just a matter of choosing which technique will be best for you.

Premature ejaculation should be properly addressed and treated by couples to avoid problems that may arise from this condition. Aside from the emotional stress that couples may experience, fertility issues could also be encountered if this condition is not treated and given proper attention.

What if you can't last longer?

I know how hard it can be to endure the humiliation and embarrassment right in front of your girlfriend or wife. But if you really want her to look at you with total awe and hear her groans of satisfaction to make you feel more of the man you are, then you'll need to totally immerse yourself in a simple solution.

This method is simple to do, doesn't take much practice, and you can play it on your iPod, iPhone or any mp3 player. You can get this completely free here: PE Hypnosis Downloads.

Don't give up hope, it's NOT impossible. Combine this with the best herbal premature ejaculation pills, by clicking the link.

Premature Ejaculation Control With Antidepressants

Can you experience premature ejaculation control with antidepressants? Premature ejaculation is a common problem amongst men. It can affect men of all ages for a variety of different reasons. For many people, this could actually be a biological problem. Some studies have been conducted that prove that it can be passed down through the generations. While it is not something you particularly wanted to know about your father or grandfather, they too could have suffered from premature ejaculation.

In other cases, you might not have the ability to determine that you are about to ejaculate until you have already passed the point of orgasm. This occurs in many men and is not something to necessarily be ashamed of, but if you are not willing to deal with the problem any longer, you can take steps to correct it. I am sure you have done some research on premature ejaculation. You have probably tried many techniques available such as squeezing, or pulling out before an orgasm. None of these are exactly cures, but may help. However, many men have learned that these techniques do not help them and they visit their doctor.

The doctor can prescribe medication such as antidepressants to help. It is possible to seek premature ejaculation control with antidepressants and more and more men are finding that this method works better for them than other techniques and exercises. Generally, when you the doctor prescribe antidepressants, it is usually in a small dose. However, it is important to be careful when taking any kind of prescription mediation and talk with your doctor about the possible risks and side effects. Some antidepressants the doctor may prescribe includes Paxil, Zoloft, Prozac, and Paroxetine.

Make sure that you do your homework and research all of your options before deciding on any one method of premature ejaculation control with antidepressants. Most all prescription medicines come with a long list of side effects and drug interactions. This is why it is so very important to speak with your doctor before starting any type of medication. However, many men that take antidepressants as a way to control premature ejaculation find that they now have better control, can last longer, and enjoy sexual relations more. With premature ejaculation, many men feel embarrassed and often shy away from sex to reduce this embarrassment. This alone could have an affect on your partner as well.

Premature ejaculation control with antidepressants can actually change your life for the better. You do not have to live with this condition and you can take steps to improve your sexual relationship just by taking action today.

One of the best premature ejaculation treatments is Climinax. The great thing about Climinax is that it is an all natural product that works to help men last longer and enjoy sexual intercourse even more. There are no side effects, as the product is completely natural. In fact, there are far more benefits than just treating premature ejaculation. As an added benefit, Climinax is also a dietary supplement, which contains vitamins that will help in other areas of your health as well.

One of the best premature ejaculation treatments is Climinax. The great thing about Climinax is that it is an all natural product that works to help men last longer and enjoy sexual intercourse even more. There are no side effects, as the product is completely natural. In fact, there are far more benefits than just treating premature ejaculation. As an added benefit, Climinax is also a dietary supplement, which contains vitamins that will help in other areas of your health as well.

You can find more information on Climinax and how it can cure premature ejaculation as well as information on premature ejaculation in general at CurePrematureEjaculation.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

How to Prevent Premature Ejaculation

It's embarrassing, unsettled and disappointing. It's what no man needs to talk of, let alone have it affect him. It is early climaxes, and there's nothing humorous about it. PE, as it is at times kindly referred to as, will ruin alot more than just the moment. - It might damage a relationship altogether.

if it has not happened to you before, you are one in all the lucky ones. But, it is not hard to visualize the disappointment it will cause for guys and ladies too. There are some ways in which to steer clear of premature ejaculation totally, and whether it is a drawback you presently have, or one that you're attempting to continually steer clear of, these natural anti premature ejaculation pills pledge to guard and uphold your sex life for years to come.

To be exact, premature ejaculation is a disorder that happens when ejaculation occurs before the needs or intentions of sexual people. It is said to be the most common sexual dysfunction for guys under 40 years old. Most people believe that there is only one way to control and slow down untimely ejaculation. "Distraction" By distracting himself throughout sex, a person is predicted to be in a position to hold off PE long enough to confirm sexual gratification for both partners. But, With Last Longer the days of distracted sex have return to an end. Most ladies are not glad by lovers whose lips are mouthing "One Mississippi, Two Mississippi" as their man begins a short-lived countdown to an unavoidable premature orgasm. More importantly, being forced to distraction throughout sex, the foremost pleasurable activity. isn't ideal from a person's purpose of view. Thus what is the answer? Last Longer

The thing men do not recognize is that there are three stages of sexual relations: need, excitement, and ejaculation. The main factor to stop premature ejaculation is to extend the 2nd process of the sexual encounter. The first part, need, doesn't would like to be numbed with prescription medication. The thrill stage, however, is quite straightforward to extend, and this can be where Last Longer comes into play. It's best if you're taking these pills on a daily basis for an extended amount of time. though even when just one dose This Premature Ejaculation Pill can help you to enhance your sexual capacity, also provide your spouse more sexual satisfaction.

In general, evasion of premature ejaculation entail knowing yourself, and knowing your body. Partaking in physical activity is the simplest approach to realize physical self-awareness. Difficult your self to try new things and keep active will help you maintain a larger quantity of control and give you a more gratifying sex life.

When learning to control pre mature ejaculation. It very crucial to avoid performance pressure in regards to sexual encounters. Your most satisfying and successful experiences are possible to happen with someone you are feeling comfortable with. As an example, bringing home the most popular lady within the bar can solely determine well for each of you if consider yourself to be the most well liked guy in the bar. If you're in the slightest degree intimidated, anxious or uncomfortable along with your sexual partner, there's an increased chance that you'll prematurely ejaculate. Getting to grasp your partner higher each physically and mentally can create a massive difference.

A very important issue to stay in mind to assist stop premature ejaculation. is to be told to regulate your ejaculations. How does one learn control? Exercise. That's right - the sole means you are visiting be ready to exercise management with a sexual partner is to master management of yourself.This is often how last longer helps to permanently cure your pre mature ejaculation problem. When all, apply makes perfect. Besides last longer, There are some tips that can facilitate improve control of your ejaculation. 1st of all, masturbate often - at totally different times of the day or night, using totally different stimulants and aids. We have a tendency to recommend that you master the the method of "dry" ejaculation, then introduce substances to get it "wet". Once you have learned how to try and do each, switch backwards and forwards between them. Apply holding off your climax as much as can, teaching your entire body the art of control.

Being in control of the ejaculation reflex is additionally a issue of focus. Rather than distracting yourself from the sexual encounter, it's best to focus more intently upon it. Concentrate on exploring all the different aspects of your, and your people sexuality. Take into account sex as a means of learning and growing, instead of just "getting your rocks off" It can facilitate if you focus on the encounter as a whole body experience. Although your penis plays the lead roll during this presentation, it is by no means that the only half of the act. Attempt that specialize in your partners sexuality as a lot of as your own, if not more than your own. Build sex a learning expertise in addition to pleasing one. Using these practices in combination with Delay all natural Pills. You can effectively learn to hold back your ejaculations and stop premature ejaculation.

Another key factor in stopping premature ejaculation is positioning. How you maneuver during the sexual encounter might confirm how successful it can ultimately be. Generally, men realize it easier to control their ejaculation when a girl is on top. However, you need to get to understand your own preferences for sexual positioning because everybody is different. Once you learn the foremost dangerous position for you, i.e. the one that causes you to lose control in three, two, one..., avoid this position till you are both prepared to climax.

A thriving sex life additionally involves a way of perspective. Take the nice, dangerous and additionally the ugly from your sexual past and apply it to your sexual repertoire. No sexual encounter is a bad one so long as you learn from it, and this includes experiences with PE. The more perspective you carry with you concerning your sexual strengths and weaknesses, the better your experiences can get in the future.

If you're having bother managing ongoing ejaculatory issues, Last Longer is the simplest and most positive approach to recovery. Sex therapists are trained to house sexual dysfunction in guys, ladies and couples, and are able to acknowledge the psychological, physiological and emotional causes for several common sexual issues. It might solely take one or 2 visits with a councilor in order to resolve a sexual downside, thus don't be back concerning obtaining help when you would like it.

Another vital factor to assume about in the attempt to stay clear of premature ejaculation is open communication together with your partner. As mentioned earlier, your relaxation level and an lack of sexual pressure play an enormous role during a successful sexual encounter. Communicating together with your partner regarding your what you like will help you each management your experiences and will cause a larger amount of a mutually rewarding your sex lives. If you've taken all these things and nothing has been effective to stop your premature ejaculation, there's only one option left. Buy Tablets to Stop Premature Ejaculation Now!

Premature Ejaculation has met it's match It's time you take power over your sexual health and start giving and receiving the sex you and your partner need. End the battle Now with With Delay Pills.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Premature Ejaculation Treatment Secrets and Guide to Getting Better at Lasting Longer - Men Only

Besides just the inability to perform well in bed and leaving your woman unsatisfied, the effects of premature ejaculation are felt both by you and of course by your woman. To be more specific about it, it is embarrassing on your part but worse it is very frustrating for your woman. Guys, nothing gets a woman angrier (other than a bad hair or a makeup disaster) than you leaving her unsatisfied in bed.

So, if you are one of those people unlucky enough to experience this problem, you need to look for premature ejaculation treatments, and at the soonest possible time before your woman leaves you for coming too soon. Fortunately for you, premature ejaculation treatments are neither expensive nor are they hard to find. To add to that, most premature ejaculation treatments are easy to perform too.

But before discussing the various kinds of premature ejaculation treatments available for your condition, it is wise to first define what premature ejaculation is. Most of us understand the condition in lay man's terms, as the inability of a man to avoid ejaculating too soon before he is able to satisfy his partner, or ejaculating before you would like to do so.

Since society expects men to be able to satisfy a woman, or have an erect penis until his woman reaches orgasm, most men with this condition are too embarrassed to talk about the problem openly. Because of this, they are unable to find solutions to their problem and remain untreated. This very sad considering that early ejaculation treatments are ready available that would help address their needs.

You may be wondering what the primary causes of early ejaculation are. To answer that question, experts have often attributed its causes to psychological and physical conditions.

Some of the early ejaculation treatments include checking for physical or biological signs that could possibly lead to quick ejaculation. Physical problems may include biological issues that lead a man to ejaculate too early, like imbalance in hormone levels, neurotransmitter levels, and also erectile dysfunction. On the other hand, it is also advised to check for psychological problems. Psychological checkup would involve therapy and education about the different premature ejaculation treatments.

There are also sexual therapy treatments available for men who are suffering from the condition. One of the better premature ejaculation treatments recommended by many is masturbating a few hours before a sexual encounter. This will desensitize the ejaculatory response. This would then presumably delay a man's ejaculation providing greater satisfaction to his woman. Another sexual therapy treatment recommended is to limit sex, which aims to lessen the pressure, felt by men to perform. Some doctors also recommend desensitization of the penis using creams.

For certain cases, doctors may prescribe drugs to help solve the problem. Some of these drugs are antidepressants and topical anesthetics that help desensitize the penis as a form of early ejaculation treatment.

One of the most common early ejaculation treatments prescribed by doctors is psychotherapy and counseling. Many men who have resorted to this type of treatment had their problems solved, or at least remedied in some ways. Psychotherapy is very helpful in reducing stress and anxiety, things that could cause premature ejaculation.

Of course, no matter how effective premature ejaculation treatments are, the first step to solving the problem starts with the admission of having the problem and then asking for help. If you have this type of problem but is embarrassed to talk about, you may not be able to find ways to solve it. Why suffer needlessly when there are premature ejaculation treatments available for your condition.

Consult your doctors about this problem and choose the best possible premature ejaculation treatments you prefer. Of course, doctors know more than you do, so you are probably better heeding their advice.

If speaking to a doctor or a professional makes you uncomfortable, there are many programs available on the Internet that you can try first before making your doctor's appointment. I know a couple of very good programs out there on the Internet that could really change your life and stop your premature ejaculation once and for all.

I really do not reveal my top secret weapon on public pages. If you want to see how I learned to master and stop premature ejaculation follow this link to my private page. There you will learn the big gun that brought me from minute man to sexual dynamo:

--> You will be surprised about what the big secret is: Stop Premature Ejaculation

The Natural Premature Ejaculation Treatment That Will Have You Lasting Longer In Bed

Premature ejaculation is also termed as rapid or early ejaculation. Rapid climax or premature climaxes are the other popular words for premature ejaculation. It is a condition in which the man ejaculates earlier than himself or his partner wishes him to. In such a scenario, the partner of the man is unable to achieve orgasm. Many men  who suffer from PE are seeking a natural premature treatment they can take and avoid having to pay for expensive and sometimes ineffective sprays and lotions or having to take anti depressants that have nasty side effects.

Sex researchers have defined premature ejaculation if it happens within two minutes of penetration. Sex therapists confirm that the PE occurs when the lack of control in ejaculation directly influences the emotional or mental health of one or both the partners.

Psychological or environmental conditions may lead to premature ejaculation. The lack of communication between partners, hurt feelings, emotional loss or distrust may cause the problem. Parallel to these, stress over financial matters, family feuds or job related pressure can also cause PE. If, this is not treated in the earlier stages, premature ejaculation problems can give rise to other critical sexual dysfunctions. Performance anxiety is another major reason for PE in men. Though, the phenomenon does not always require attention if it happens once in a blue moon. The reason can be a simply extreme sexual urge that is to blame.

PE treatments for general cases involve improving the mental blockade towards sex and exercises to develop physical control over ejaculation. The critical cases require clinical help. The clinical treatments involve testing of various medications on the patient, to administer the perfect dosages for reducing the arousal rate. The Kegel exercises are also prescribed to patients with a long suffering problem of premature ejaculation. The exercise is named after the inventor, Dr. Arnold Kegel. The exercise is based on the method of control rather than prevention of the ejaculation. The exercise gives increased control over the PC muscle, which in turn results in more control over ejaculation.

The problem of premature ejaculation has disturbed men for many years. An effective PETreatment has been searched for by men for centuries.

There are natural premature ejaculation treatments that were invented and used by the researchers and medical practitioners of the ancient civilization of India and China. These are herbal remedies and don't offer any bad side effects. These natural, side effect free properties are the reason for their growing popularity around the world.

Premature ejaculation treatment includes use of the Clove bud as a medicine. The use of Clove buds as a remedy to premature ejaculation, spread to Europe in the 7th and 8th century. Clove is also well known to increase the blood circulation in the body and is a great help to get rid of the nervous tensions.

Drinking clove tea twice every day or having powdered clove capsules every day is a good method of premature ejaculation treatment. However, clove based ointment can be directly applied to the penis as well. Clove help to improve the blood flow in the genitals and soothes the nerves, for a delayed ejaculation. Clove cause drowsiness, and it is advisable not to take them while one is planning to drive or going to operate heavy machinery.

There are other natural premature ejaculation treatments that involve mastering good breathing and body control during sex. Breathing deeper is a natural part of sexual intercourse but many men try to fight it not understanding that deeper breathing is linked to ejaculatory control. If a man can master his breathing technique during sex he will see great improvements.

You can unlock the secrets of coping with premature ejaculation using a unique natural treatment that will have you lasting 30 mins longer starting tonight using the Ejaculation Champion guide - click here to learn more.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

What Caused Your Premature Ejaculation? And How to Correct That Cause With The Very Best PE Cure

If premature ejaculation (PE) is hindering or blocking you from performing well in bed and satisfying your partner, then you have found an article that is going to help you change all that! There are several premature ejaculation treatments available in the market that are extremely effective and safe. However, their use heavily depends on the severity and the cause of your problem. Medical professionals advise men with this terrible condition to consult with them for premature ejaculation treatment since it affects many aspects of their lives, and also could be a sign that more serious health issues could be present. Also let's not forget the fact that it is also embarrassing. To be able to assess which premature ejaculation treatment best fits your situation, the cause/s of premature ejaculation should first be determined.

Below are several causes of premature ejaculation that you must understand in order to find the proper solution for your condition.

Causes of Premature Ejaculation

When a man is unable to last more than 3 or 4 minutes when having sexual intercourse we have what I would call a severe case of early ejaculation. Cases of PE like this may be due to psychological or physical problems. After finding the root of your problem, you can then find premature ejaculation treatments to help solve your situation. Think about this issue like pulling up a weed in a garden. If you pull the weed and only get what is at the surface the weed will grow back. If you pull out the root system the weed will be gone for good. Many of the lotions, medications, and sprays are more like just ripping at the surface of a weed that will later grow back. Dealing with the under lying problem is getting the whole root system out, and a long term cure results for your early ejaculation.

1. Psychological Problems that lead to cases of early ejaculation are sometimes due to men thinking poorly of themselves after a few episodes of premature ejaculation during sexual intercourse. Somehow, they develop fear of being unable to please their women by not lasting long enough to make their partners reach orgasm or satisfaction. Fear such as this affects the flow of serotonin that directly affects sexual functions of the body and creates problems related to anxiety. Also, this affects the sympathetic function of the body complicating the problem further. All these things lead you to ejaculate quicker than you would like to, leaving your woman wanting more. This is why medical people use medications such as antidepressant drugs in an effort to treat early ejaculation.

Premature ejaculation treatments for Psychological Problems that cause PE in some cases need medical attention from doctors. Doctors may prescribe certain medications to treat your condition, like Prozac to increase your serotonin level. There are also natural products that will do this without the possible side effects.

2. Another cause of early ejaculation is Physiological Problems that cause serotonin levels to become abnormally low. This happens when your serotonin level is low despite having no anxiety problems related to psychological issues.

· Premature Ejaculation Treatments for Physiological Problems that cause PE involve therapy. If your PE is caused by a physiological problem, there are therapy centers available that can help you by teaching you relaxation techniques during sexual intercourse. You will also learn how to concentrate when having sex by just enjoying the act and not worrying about the things that might happen or not.

3. Another cause of PE is Lack of Experience with having sex. This affects mostly young people or those new to the act of sexual intercourse. Premature Ejaculation in this case is mostly due to anxiety and being too excited. Usually, this is solved by getting more experience in bed.

· Premature Ejaculation Treatments for Lack of Experience is the familiarization of the act of having sex and learning how to have sex properly. Both these help in controlling excitement and anxiousness that lead men to ejaculate almost as soon as they start penetration. The more men familiarize themselves with sexual intercourse, the better they become with it.

· There are exercises that can help strengthen the sexual muscles and make a novice into a Professional in only a short time! There are in fact programs available on the Internet that will teach you exercises and techniques that can help you solve premature ejaculation naturally and in a very fast manner. Some of these programs even have helped men add 20 minutes to the time they last after only 1 day of using the program!

The last area mentioned is where I really focus with most men that come to see me for therapy sessions. Many doctors would lead you to believe that PE is a chemical problem that needs to be medicated. In most cases however, I can help a man learn to get more control after only one session of learning what I would consider to be some of my "secret sexual tactics." This by far is the best way to deal with PE. Learn the exercises needed to strength your PC muscles. These are the ones that prevent you from ejaculating. Kegel's exercises will work these muscles and you should research how to do those today!

There are many premature ejaculation treatments available for premature ejaculation problems. Treatments vary depending on the cause of your problem/s. Determining why you have premature ejaculation problem is the first step to finding the right Early Ejaculation Treatments for you. In the long-term this will help you satisfy your partner better leading to a happier sex life, and in turn a better relationship!

I really do not reveal my top secret weapon on public pages. If you want to see how I learned to master and stop premature ejaculation follow this link to my private page. There you will learn the big gun that brought me from minute man to sexual dynamo:

--> You will be surprised about what the big secret is: Stop Premature Ejaculation

Saturday, December 17, 2011

What You Need to Know About Premature Ejaculation

Suffer from premature ejaculation? You may wonder why you seem to reach climax faster than most of your buddies, or the actors in those movies that you see in the theater. Before believing that you may suffer from premature ejaculation, take into consideration the average amount of time it takes for a man to ejaculate:

- The average time for a man to ejaculate is 6.5 minutes.

- Younger men may ejaculate a minute or two sooner; older men may ejaculate a bit later than 6.5 minutes

- Premature ejaculation happens to most men at one point in their life. Only when it becomes a constant in a man's life can it be considered a "dysfunction" rather than just a one-time mishap.

What exactly is premature ejaculation? The rather broad definition is when both partners are not satisfied with the sexual performance, such as the man ejaculating immediately following penetration, or shortly thereafter. Typically, 2 minutes or less to ejaculate on a regular and consistent basis is grounds for a man to be diagnosed with a sexual dysfunction.

There are also two types of premature ejaculation:

- Primary Premature Ejaculation: occurred during a man's first sexual encounter and has continued to occur since then

- Secondary Premature Ejaculation: occurs after a man has had "normal" sexual function (i.e. a man was previously able to control his ejaculations and climaxes).

There are also two classifications that are sometimes used. These are:

- Normal variable: When premature ejaculation happens periodically

- Premature-like: When a man ejaculates after two minutes from penetration, but it is thought either by him, his partner, or both partners to be "premature".

Though premature ejaculation is typically a great source of embarrassment for men, it affects any where from 30%-70% of all men at least once in their life time. There are some predisposing factors which contribute to the likelihood of this affecting men:

- Lifelong issues with premature ejaculation are being looked into as being a genetic, inherited neurological condition. Chances are that if you are suffering from lifelong premature ejaculation, you have at least one first-degree relative (such as your father) suffering from the same problem.

- Medical conditions: urethritis, prostratitis, hyperthyroidism, erectile dysfunction, and obesity

- Psychological issues: Relationship issues, stress, and depression

If you think that you do suffer from premature ejaculation, be sure to visit your doctor to rule out any underlying, possibly more serious health issues that may be causing this. A visit to the doctor will usually involve a thorough physical examination, with particular attention aid to the genitals (this is to ensure that there are no infections or other ailments that may be causing the problem).

One thing to bear in mind is that there are no definite tests that define you as suffering from this dysfunction. The diagnosis is mostly based on a man's expectations of himself and from his reports of distress given his lack of ejaculatory control.

From that point, you can seek several different treatment options:

- Behavioral training: This is perhaps the most popular and most effective treatment. Since there is no "cure" for this dysfunction, behavioral training will allow the man to regain control over his climaxes. This typically involved the "start-stop" technique.

- Reducing Sensation: To reduce the sensitivity of the penis, men sometimes will wear "condom layers" - upwards of 2-3 condoms - to allow them to last longer. There are also a range of anesthetics on the market, including creams and sprays, which will "numb" the man's genitals to again promote him lasting longer. Use these with caution, as the numbing effect can be passed on to your partner and the lack of sensation may result in a man never climaxing.

- Physiotherapy: pelvic floor exercises are often suggested to be practiced by men suffering from an ejaculation dysfunction, though there is no scientific proof showing that these are effective.

- Counseling: Many times, premature ejaculation is caused by psychological issues, such as sexual repression. Once any psychological issues are dealt with, often the dysfunction will dissipate.

Most importantly, be sure to check in with your doctor if you ever fear that you are suffering from any sort of physical ailment or disorder. He or she will be able to discuss with you what your best treatment options are.

Hi My name is Paul Williams. After actively looking for years for ways to solve premature ejaculation, I finally stumbled upon a solution that permanently put an end to all my PE problems. If you want more premature ejaculation info and ways to permanently get rid of this condition and improve your sexual performance, then feel free to visit my site on Premature Ejaculation.

Friday, December 16, 2011

The Premature Ejaculation Cure - A Guide to Premature Ejaculation Treatment

Is there such thing as a premature ejaculation Cure? Is premature ejaculation treatment the Holy Grail of hundreds of thousands of men worldwide?

Well, maybe it is the Holy Grail, but a cure certainly is out there. Through my years writing about this subject and after helping thousands of men who suffer with premature ejaculation, I have come to realise that although several cures are available, each man wants something different. This means that although the treatments for premature ejaculation are out there, no single cure is right for each man. The premature ejaculation cures can be split into 3 groups; 1) Long term total control2) Hypnosis3) Pills I will discuss each in turn and give a frank assessment of their strengths and weaknesses. Long term control of Premature Ejaculation:

This is the best technique to cure the problem as it focuses on understanding your body, the way it works, the causes of premature ejaculation, and more importantly how you can control it. This 'treatment' is usually administered through knowledge. As you learn about your body you can control it.

It does need commitment from user to follow steps, takes time to see the full effects (up to 30 days) and some techniques need practice! However, the effects are much longer term (often permanent), you are in total control, there are no side effects and some techniques can be used immediately.

Most men who use this treatment for their premature ejaculation are most satisfied purely for its long term prospects and better understanding of the body and its PE condition.

Hypnosis to cure Premature Ejaculation:

Hypnosis is no longer the domain of stage performers or back street medical practices. The true value of hypnosis as a wide reaching treatment is still yet to be appreciated but I have use it for years to treat both myself and hundreds of men with premature ejaculation issues.

To cure PE the normal method is to use self hypnosis as it can be embarrassing for the sufferer to go to see a 'real' hypnotist. The effects however are the same.

Self Hypnosis is also a long term solution and can be 'topped up' simply by re-using the self hypnosis script that is played on a CD player or MP3 player. It works by altering your whole mindset with regards to sex and premature ejaculation, has no side effects and can have immediate effects. For some it is a simple quick fix that works. Having said that, men who use this technique do not get an understanding of their problem or their body and so isn't as 'organic' as the previous treatment.

Pills as a Premature Ejaculation treatment:

Notice I write the word 'treatment' for premature ejaculation rather than 'cure'. Taking pills will solve the problem not the cause. For some men though, that is fine. They just want to last longer in bed and a pill is a simple and easy treatment to their issue.

I would never recommend buying pills from online pharmacies. You need to see a doctor for these pills to be prescribed. However, herbal versions of premature ejaculation pills are available and work fantastically. They are taken with minimal fuss, have no side effects, work within 30 minutes, and not only cure the PE problem, also give you increased sex drive and other sexual benefits. Again, the drawbacks are that you are not understanding your body or premature ejaculation causes, and they are a quick fix for the underlying problem.

So, with these 3 methods in mind, men are certainly able to arm themselves against their embarrassing problem and best of all, these treatments can all be done anonymously from the comfort of your own home.

The Holy Grail of premature ejaculation is indeed a reality and thousands of men are helping themselves cure their premature ejaculation issues using a technique that is best suited to their needs.

Do you want to cure your own premature ejaculation problem? For more information about the above treatment techniques visit Max’s web site at []

Premature Ejaculation - Help is Here

With a little help, premature ejaculation can be overcome. You don't need surgery, or drugs, or desensitizing cream that smells like chemicals and makes you feel even more embarrassed and miserable during sex.

Premature ejaculation has both physical and mental causes. Understanding both aspects of premature ejaculation helps a lot in learning how to rid oneself of it. Trying to cure your premature ejaculation by working on just one or the other means you will be dealing with just half the picture. That can lead to mixed results and a lot of frustration, which can cause you to just give up all together. 

Help for Premature Ejaculation: Mind

The mind is truly a very powerful force. It influences every aspect of our bodies, whether consciously or unconsciously (as in, the autonomic nervous system...) The fact is, when we choose to use our mind to influence our body, in processes that otherwise are handled automatically behind the scenes, we can introduce new responses, form new habits, and get improved results. That includes controlling the ejaculation reflex, which helps premature ejaculation. 

Visualization: Visualize yourself lasting as long as you want during sex. Imagine being able to perform the act without feeling the need to ejaculate.
Attitude of Gratitude: Do not think of sex with your partner as an opportunity to "get your rocks off". Let's be honest - you can masturbate to porn if that is all you are interested in. Instead, think about nothing during sex except pleasing your partner. Trust me, if you do that, not only will you last longer, but your partner will be happy to please you back, over and over again. 

Help for Premature Ejaculation: Body

As powerful as the mind is, ejaculation is a physical process, and the condition of your body, and the organs involved in ejaculation, play a major role in premature ejaculation []. If your prostate and PC muscles (pubococcygeus) are weak, then your ability to control ejaculation will also be weak. Other factors, such as healthy diet and plenty of water, also influence a guy's sexual health. 

Exercise your Ejaculation Muscle: The PC muscles control ejaculation, as well as the flow of urine. You can make these muscles stronger by stopping the flow of urine for a few seconds, then starting again. Repeat that a few times until you finish peeing. Do this a couple of times a day, and increase as the muscles begin to get stronger.
Prostate Health: Make sure your prostate is in good shape. This organ is one of the main sex organs involved in ejaculation, and many guys don't even know this, or pay little attention to it. Make sure yours is healthy by getting a good men's vitamin supplement with zinc, saw palmetto, pumpkin seeds, and b-complex (or some combo of these.)
Hydrate: Drinking plenty of water is crucial to many things, including healthy ejaculation. It contributes to semen volume, and helps to keep the kidneys, bladder, and urinary tract clean and healthy, all very helpful for premature ejaculation.

If you are sick and tired of premature ejaculation, and want to finally get rid of this embarrassing problem without using weird drugs, or funky smelling creams or sprays, then you're in luck. A lot of guys think that premature ejaculation is some kind of huge, insurmountable issue that they just have to live with.

The fact is, it's only as huge as we make it, because most of the problem is mental. In other words, premature ejaculation is exactly as difficult as we think it is - or is not. Sometimes, when we are trying to cure ourselves of premature ejaculation, we think about it way too much in the process, and that just makes it worse instead of better.

Not to blow smoke here. As they say, with anything in life worth having, you have to be willing to work for it. Curing your premature ejaculation absolutely can be done, realistically, no matter how hard you find that to believe. BUT, it will take a little bit of discipline, maybe some changes in habits (both mental and physical) along with some practice. The key is to take it seriously, and stick with it.

If you're interested in getting more help with premature ejaculation, then go to my blog and download a free report on how to prolong ejaculation. While you're there, you can read other free articles about premature ejaculation, as well as reviews of the best selling self-help courses on how to cure premature ejaculation, naturally.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Premature Ejaculation

The Nature of Premature Ejaculation

According to research and estimates, nearly 1 in 3 men experience the embarrassment of premature ejaculation at some point in their lives. It is a common complaint, so if you believe that you may be experiencing a problem, you should know that you are not alone.

The condition is defined by the situation in which a man is unable to control the urge and ejaculates quicker than he had hoped to. Though it happens from time to time with most men, it becomes a cause for concern when it becomes the rule rather than the exception. Once you overcome your embarrassment are able to discuss it, you will find that it is a common condition that is highly treatable.

You Might Suffer from P.E. If...

While it is true that virtually every male suffers from an isolated incident or two, you may have a problem with premature ejaculation if you exhibit certain symptoms. While the most obvious symptom of the condition is when ejaculation happens before both partners are ready for it to happen, it is also interesting to note that it may even occur when you masturbate.

Premature ejaculation is usually classified as either primary or secondary. Primary classification indicates a lifelong condition, while secondary classification indicates an acquired condition.

The symptoms of primary P.E. include climax that almost always occurs within a minute of penetration, being unable to delay ejaculation on all or virtually all penetrations, and the resultant feelings of anxiety, frustration and stress leading to the avoidance of sexual encounters.

Though the symptoms of secondary premature ejaculation are the same, the difference is that the condition is acquired after you have previously experienced satisfying sexual relationships.

What Causes Premature Ejaculation?

While once thought to be purely psychological in nature, it is now known that P.E. can be attributed to many different causes - some being psychological in nature while others are biological. Understanding the factors that contribute to the condition is decidedly more complex than originally thought. This means that the nature of the problem is not always either psychological or biological, but may even be a combination of both.

Many doctors who treat men suffering from P.E. attributed to psychological factors believe that the condition stems from patterns developed during early sexual experiences. For example, if you think back to your earliest sexual experiences, you may have often been in situations where your sexual encounters were rushed or were associated with guilt, which all may contribute to the problem. Other psychological issues may include anxiety and problems within your relationship.

Biological causes that often contribute to P.E. may include abnormal hormone levels, an inflammation or infection of male sexual organs such as the prostate or urethra, thyroid problems, a disruption in the neurotransmitters of the brain, and abnormal reflex of the ejaculatory system. The condition is rarely caused by nervous system damage or trauma.

Are You at Risk?

You may be surprised to learn that certain individuals are predisposed to P.E. Some risk factors include erectile dysfunction, certain medical conditions, and stress. All of these factors can lead to anxiety which is known to be one of the primary causes of premature ejaculation. Certain medications, especially psychotropic drugs which often alter brain chemistry, may also contribute to the problem.

Complications Stemming from Premature Ejaculation

You may not run the risk of serious health problems with P.E., but it can certainly wreak havoc in your personal life. One of the main problems stemming from the condition is the strain that it puts on relationships. Sexual dissatisfaction can lead to stress and anxiety for both parties in the relationship. If the condition is putting a serious cramp in your relationship, you may need to seek professional counseling.

Trying to conceive is may also be difficult if you are suffering from premature ejaculation problems. If you do not receive the proper help, your only hope for conceiving a child may be infertility treatments.

Coping with the Condition

Those who are dealing with premature ejaculation frequently feel ashamed and frustrated. It is often difficult to even discuss with your own physician. However, the condition is highly treatable and more common than you think. It is imperative that you discuss the issue with your doctor if your feel that it is putting a strain on your relationship/s.

Sometimes, coping with the condition is easier when you are not so focused on the sexual side of your relationship. While you are considering different treatment options, you should also consider abstaining from sex for a while and exploring other forms of affection instead. You will be surprised how much stress and anxiety is relieved when there is no pressure to perform sexually. Taking time to really focus on your treatment will ensure that you build a solid foundation for future satisfying sexual relationships.

Treatment Options for Premature Ejaculation

There are a multitude of treatment options for those suffering premature ejaculation. These usually consist of a combination of sex therapy, psychotherapy, and medications. Depending on the underlying cause and severity of your condition, your doctor will design your treatment plan accordingly.

Sexual therapy teaches you techniques to help delay ejaculation during intercourse. You may be encouraged to try masturbating an hour or so before sexual activity, or your doctor may encourage you to abstain from sex from a period of time while focusing on other forms of intimacy in order to help relieve the pressure to perform. You may also be taught certain techniques, such as the squeeze technique, to help you learn how to stop premature ejaculation.

In addition, there are medications and creams that your doctor can prescribe to help control premature ejaculation as well. Certain antidepressants have the side effect of delayed climax and your doctor may consider prescribing them under certain conditions.

Topical creams that numb or dull the sensation of the penis are also useful in delaying ejaculation. These are applied shortly before sex and removed when enough sensation has been dulled to prevent premature ejaculation.

Psychotherapy involves speaking with a counselor about your experiences and relationships. It is often useful in conjunction with drug therapy.

Natural pills can be found online which aid to prolong intercourse and are considered to be anti premature ejaculation pills.

The most important thing when comes to ending premature ejaculation is to act. No longer is it considered a taboo subject, so do not be afraid to discuss it with your doctor or other professionals. The sooner you take that first step, the quicker you will put an end to your frustration.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Prostate Problems - Monitor and Correct Premature Ejaculation

The premature ejaculation is the main reason why many couples do not fully enjoy their sexual relationships. Many men would give anything to gain control over their ejaculation perfectly, but do not know how to get it.

What is Premature Ejaculation?

The premature ejaculation not defined the same way by all authors, but we could say it is the inability to control ejaculation in man.

Some authors claim that a man has premature ejaculation if not withstand 30 seconds (others put the boundary between 30 seconds and 7 minutes) after vaginal penetration.

A consultation sexological patients sometimes come to believe not having premature ejaculation Because you never ejaculate before penetration.

The lack of control over ejaculation becomes a serious problem when the man does not resist at least a reasonable time, ie, enough for a woman is satisfied.

This problem fast is a lack of bodily discipline and consequently, every man can achieve through proper training that his ejaculation is a completely voluntary act.

What is premature ejaculation?

We must first clarify that the Its not a disease or something that some men are born.

The cause of the premature ejaculation. Not the age or inexperience, or the many sexual arousal or sexual hypersensitivity. Premature ejaculation is not left to something physical, like frenulum problems, phimosis, testis, prostate, nerve weakness or tenderness in the glans.

Causes of ejaculation can be quite varied, and due to lack of information or preparation to initiate sex, the state of anxiety or insecurity caused by other sexual problems (such as impotence), or lack of interest in prolonging intercourse to have become ejaculation in a conditioned reflex, etc.

Therefore, the diagnosis of premature ejaculation does not require urine tests, blood, semen, ultrasound, or shots, or anything.

How to control premature ejaculation?

Many men think that premature ejaculation spent with age or as men have more sexual experience. The reality is that the man who does not control your ejaculation and can continue throughout life, so you can create a lot of frustration. Every time that happens he lives with more frustration and anxiety, which undoubtedly influences the relationship with your partner. This is all the more regrettable since the premature ejaculation solution is almost 100% of cases.

As for treatment, a perfect control of ejaculation is not achieved through:

- Advice, lectures or group therapy

- Not with any injection, lozenge, medicine, ointment, capsules, esprais, hormones, vitamins or pharmaceutical products;

- Even with interventions, operations phimosis, or treatment of prostate

- Even with sophisticated equipment or instruments.

The only scientific treatment, serious and effective to cure or avoid premature ejaculation is through learning through very specific exercises and techniques that man must learn and practice alone or with your partner, if any.

Experience tells us that if man continues to rigorously our method, even though has not yet succeeded in engaging in intercourse before ejaculating, as is the case for some people, get to have a normal relationship, ie a long preparation and a perfect penetration with ejaculation control.

The ejaculatory early as such, is a person who presents a state of permanent anxiety, in the same way that always goes fast at doing things, never has time for anything, you need to do everything at once and so on. also ejaculates at the same time. That is, anxiety expelled anyway. Is strongly associated with premature ejaculation as a way of being a way of life, this is overall concepts, not all act this way.

For men, the premature ejaculation is often responsible for a lack of motivation for sexual acts, a devaluation of their own image and developments may reach a psychological impotence. For women the premature ejaculation your partner can also come to a lack of motivation to make love, an absence of orgasm and can progress to secondary frigidity. For the couple, the evolution is driven on the breakdown of communication emotional, sensual and erotic, which often leads to a separation from it.

To better understand premature ejaculation, you have to say something about the physiology of ejaculation, which occurs after the excitement phase and is composed of two periods:

- A period immediately pre-ejaculate which corresponds to the voltage setting of sperm within the genital tract beyond. During this short period and sexual arousal is reversible and man can learn to recognize this limit and prevent the next phase which is irreversible and expulsive.

- A period of ejaculation itself, which corresponds to the expulsive contractions of the genital tract, and that gets to the expulsion of sperm. This short period is irreversible and uncontrollable.

The treatment is done for you that physiology is behavioral type and contains exercises with progressively increasing difficulty. These exercises will allow you step by step, following your pace, get used to increasingly strong stimuli and to recognize the moment where you have to leave your arousal. Thus gradually learn to control your excitement and above all control when you choose your partner ejaculates. Melt behavior therapies in the fact that receiving negative messages repeatedly, coupled with a bad attitude to daily events, often lead to sexual problems. Cognitive behavioral therapy will have to gradually change the negative behavior with behavioral exercises in order to return to a positive behavior.

The premature ejaculation never fixes over time, it is necessary to begin treatment as soon as possible, which will help you, no doubt, to solve your problem.

E Prostate Problems gives you all the tips and info on Prostate Problems and Symptoms of Prostate Problems. Whether you are new to the topic or an expert, make sure to learn more about Prostate Problems.

Premature ejaculation-ejaculation getting line for herbal cures

In men, is the most common problematic conditions premature ejaculation. 40% Of people experience the disease's clinical statistics revealed it 20-5 premature ejaculation. When is characterized by voluntary management of male ejaculation and void is considered like this problem is to ejaculate early.

If the guy male premature ejaculation, before to achieve orgasm during his partner in the sexual way meeting over his half interactive according to ejaculation of medical expertise, established. Study on herbal treatment for premature ejaculation can be during the resolution of the natural solutions.

Another agreement is among the other medical specialty professionals ejaculation infiltration during the two-minute men, below reflect what ejaculation as a spread so rapidly.

Again, consideration also in herbal treatments as PE solution. Go to feelings or sexual activity measurement of such male ejaculation premature ejaculation occurs when a missing from the perspective of a particular sex therapist one or interference by both partners, is related to sexual matters is believed. Again, maybe from another angle, behavioral therapy of Chinese medicine treat premature ejaculation, support and important.

Most of the male premature ejaculation and experience the game. Adolescent males and young adult men premature ejaculation early sexual encounters in particular have in common. However, they each get so that young men more familiar and experienced with sexual interactions within the control of ejaculation. Men and each partners, their depends on personal choice, however, and how long in the effort as a result seek the herbal treatment in the form of specific breeds available for improved process control, ejaculation, PE, and engage in sex in one encounter, die is.

Wide range of various universal time, a report in the population statistics of men aged 18-30 years-what "in ejaculation latency" as referred to. Ejaculation and their penetration of such male partners will estimated average report from show six and a half minutes. Man of purpose and power of endurance may be applied to the area of herbal treatment method maintenance for support among the masses, premature ejaculation, continued satisfactory sexual performance.

Because deploying was questions for early experience of line-based recommendations, such as statistics, ejaculation, presence and male about one and half percent decided. As a logical assumption was benefits report PE, low male population in this herbal treatment.

Men's personal satisfaction, is another approach towards the determination of the premature ejaculation yet sexual performance. Therefore, two scenarios are propagated among men. Men of a certain group reach the man ejaculate, through and within 30 minutes, following the first scenario, the suffering of premature ejaculation from a physiological viewpoint of those happy like this delay time, is not. These men respectively if the "par" provides warranty and only purpose of grass to keep treating PE potential personal security.

Another scenario is that each particular group moment penetration, average speed of 2 hours also reach male ejaculation like manly performance levels have complained. It is this, these men suffer in clinical psychology, early ejaculation is considered. Therefore, definitely herbal cure for premature ejaculation premature ejaculation for these options among the options to pursue.

Origin for premature ejaculation, essentially, of two categories-is physical and psychological. Remedies for a variety of options can certainly also incorporate PE herbal remedies.

You can use the number of contributors and psychological problems associated with premature ejaculation. Such problems can include lack of depression, stress, sexual repression, confidence and interpersonal dynamics, hurt feelings, anxiety, extreme alertness, or other sexual function of dysfunction. Create a male premature ejaculation can get from this emotional maladies premature ejaculation herbal treatment course.

Contributors towards men such as affected by premature ejaculation once, in the physical aspects, certain medical diseases and illness after ruling, for relief of the herbal treatment of PE can a viable alternative.

Dr. Anne are professionals with years of herb and sex fields of health care experience. To for more information about the treatment of premature ejaculation and penis enlargement methods -reading of the male and female sexual health guide

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Premature Ejaculating - Easy to Follow Tips

Premature ejaculating is the most frequently met sexual problem of the century. Basically, this problem refers to the elimination of the sperm shortly after the debut of the sexual contact - sadly, this occurs despite the man's desire. Even though some might associate premature ejaculating with young age and lack of sexual experience, this problem can appear at any age, regardless of the sexual background and expertise. Still, it is true that less sexual experience implies less control upon one's body - a fact which might cause premature ejaculating.

But what can you do about premature ejaculating? Well, the first thing you need to do is to avoid panicking. Premature ejaculating has happened, at least once, to each man on the planet. Secondly, you should know that it all starts and ends with self-control. But in order to be able to control premature ejaculating, you need to have two specific abilities: the ability to identify your physical sensations (the upcoming climax moment, likes and dislikes) and the ability to modify your sexual actions in order to avoid premature ejaculating.

So, the first thing you need to do in order to avoid the premature ejaculating problem is to concentrate on your sexual reactions towards various sexual stimulants, during the sexual act. Find out to what your body responses and in which way, try to identify the exact moment when the ejaculation becomes uncontrollable, meaning the moment the orgasm approaches. After experiencing this concentration a few times, you are ready to go to the next level, in order to treat yourself from premature ejaculating. This step implies slowing down, literally slowing down. More precisely, when you feel the climax is approaches (but before the moment the ejaculation becomes uncontrollable), you need to perform slower moves or, if you think it is necessary, you can stop for a few seconds. In order to prevent premature ejaculating at this point, it is better to be in control, meaning that you should be the one performing the moves and not your partner - explain the slowing down process to your partner, in order to help you avoid premature ejaculating.

But your climax and premature ejaculating do not necessarily depend on the intensity and sped of the sexual act. You might discover that your premature ejaculating is caused by a certain position, by a certain touch from your partner or by the noises she makes. So, in these cases, avoiding premature ejaculating is easy: simply avoid doing those specific moves or performing those specific elements in order to avoid premature ejaculating.

What is great about these premature ejaculating techniques is that they can have a reversible effect. Meaning that you will be able to control your orgasm - in some cases, you might actually want to enjoy the premature ejaculating (when you have no time, for example). So, use these tips and control your premature ejaculating, while enjoying the sexual act.

Say "NO!" to the constant failure in bed. Visit [] and discover the best solution everybody is raving about!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Premature Ejaculation Solutions - How To Overcome Premature Ejaculation And Solve It For Good?

Premature ejaculations solutions is among the most sought after information by men. Indeed, to overcome premature ejaculation is a baffling puzzle that men are eager solve. You can have all the riches in the world, but if you disastrously ruin your sex life by your inability to last longer in bed, everything falls apart.

Naturally, you would like to know how to stop men's speedy orgasm; but really is there still hope to find a method on how to solve premature ejaculations problem?

Facts About Ejaculating Prematurely

Some people suggest that the problem is caused by emotional stress, by wrong sexual practices and even by nutrition and overall health. The habit of reaching orgasm too fast usually persists throughout the entire life of a man. However, there are ways to last longer in bed before ejaculating because, unlike with impotence in men, there are natural best male enhancement methods that you can do for curing early ejaculation.

Ejaculating Too Soon can Affect your Romantic Life

Inability to prolong love-making sends a lot of pressure, not just to your self-esteem but also to the dynamics of your relationship. Anxiety over how to solve premature ejaculations problem could easily turn to a nasty argument that could take a toll in your relationship. It is not uncommon to find couples splitting up because of failure to make the other person happily satisfied in bed.

How to Cure This Problem

Your health, mental state and emotion are a few of the things that can have deliberate effects on your orgasm. Rapidly reaching orgasm is a complicated topic and trying to answer a question on how to solve ejaculation problem is understandably difficult to do. Learning the steps in curing speedy ejaculation takes a lot of effort but not impossible.

There are natural best male enhancement programs that you can easily do as premature ejaculation solutions. To delay orgasm, methods such as Kegel exercises have become very common remedy to stop men's speedy ejaculation.

Many early ejaculation solutions are being offered online, but be careful because some are just deliberate attempt to deceive people. What you need to understand is that a series of closely monitored natural best male enhancement exercises and strategies is often necessary on how to solve speedy ejaculations problem. Please realize that there is no one step early ejaculation remedy and only with diligence and perseverance can you achieve what you really wanted.

For now, here are some premature ejaculation solutions that you can try this instant to improve your bed performance and make your girl say "wow!":

1. Master your self-pleasuring habits. This may come as a surprise but it does have a lot to do with solving your premature ejaculation woes. The first thing that you often do is this undoubtedly: when you choke the chicken, you go as fast as you can for the sake of getting an ejaculation. Sure it is an instant pleasure fix but not contributing to your efforts of getting that premature ejaculation solution. This wires your body to get off quickly that even when you are having sex, your pleasure scale zooms up because it got used to your manic pleasuring habits. The fix? Next time you get it on with your hand, think that you are doing it for your girl and not for yourself - in short, slow down!

2. Master your pleasure scale. Very good premature ejaculation solutions start with getting to know your body. You should be able to tell when you are coming and where is that point that is safe for you to go on or otherwise so you can control your arousal to desirable levels. One problem why some men ejaculate early is they just leave themselves to go at it without even watching their pleasure scale. Analyze your body and grade your arousal from 1-10 and learn the feelings associated with it so you can taper your arousal and last till the morning light.

3. Ladies First. Here is a very clever premature ejaculations solution. When you are having sex, sometimes the pressure is so overwhelming, after all, when you are a man you are always expected to deliver every time. So what is an average guy to do? Let your woman have her orgasm first before you. There are so many ways to do it and it does not need necessarily need hard thrusting. Get creative and you will be rewarded. Try this premature ejaculations solutions now!

Biggest premature ejaculations self-treatment secret has been unraveled in this amazing FREE videos for premature ejaculations solutions. Watch and learn how you can instantly cure your premature ejaculation.

Causes of premature ejaculation

First experienced episodes of your life's first premature ejaculation you just first, if you just want to skip this article. Causes of premature ejaculation is more various and sometimes in his life, man is prey to any of them. In other words, even healthy male premature ejaculation is unusual fantastic or unusual.

However, and this suffering occurs regularly, have experienced it, some may first impact on the treatment of premature ejaculation, causing the premature ejaculation is to know.

That may help it know that you're not alone! It is estimated and tormenting regularly issue 59 between 20% and from the 18-year-old man.

So, what premature ejaculation if otherwise, obviously in healthy men because of the sexual life of Prime Minister? They have some strange virus or an incurable disease is just nuts.

Well, investigate the cause of premature ejaculation is usually psychological view, not necessarily can only shrink nut also cure. Actually, such topics of practical self a little more technology and lots of advice available that is.

Apparently, the premature ejaculation is fear of sexual failure resulting mainly. Physical or emotional condition treatment drug viagra and cialis, or improvement is linked to erectile dysfunction often very often this.

Complex is little all discussion of the causes of premature ejaculation is actually "premature" vague concept ejaculatory orgasm "(usually two is one of these days ) premature when the two parties before you know" you can call'd. Distinguished from the standard of medical treatment of concrete "premature ejaculation". Also there is no time limit, one mature?!

However, premature is that usually are both disappointed result. Of course, to achieve sexual arousal women completely can complicated by the fact that frequent Orgasms in women with premature ejaculating man that takes long-period time given his only shot of the. This situation what may be relatively small problem big ( lousy choice of words) is easy for people to. This is a example of how one can be easily by treatment difficulties of worsening conditions encouraging start loom large human heart.

So the cause of premature ejaculation sexual partners sexual partner premature ejaculation built "treatment" may be, can be a definite help. Problems can be fun for both the understanding and encouragement, or can be coupled with a willingness to imagine a real instance of or premature ejaculation can break for real improvement efforts as well as the negative reaction and treatment, and to participate actively, increasing their side.

Probably occur because solo travellers masturbation session, however, you should find our still premature ejaculation premature ejaculation causes and treatments.

Evidence using one of the doctors to determine the cause of premature ejaculation is whether called what is "primary" or "secondary". Primary are sexually active, it means that the problem exists in secondary sense are starting to occur relatively normal sexual activity after a period of life.

As mentioned above, is the cause of premature ejaculation in nature of psychology has been:

1 Still cause problems, such as early childhood experiences caused during masturbation, found fear might be.

2. If your kid to detect, especially negative attitude of family sex "is"dirty"or are not allowed to feel rushed to complete the sexual activity" may be.

3. Impotence is itself often physical treatment conditions could create necessary "is to get this" the feeling before losing your erection.

May cause a series of worrying about any sort of stress of 4 issues, health, money, relationships, or your life, or events.

5 Tips above, a negative reaction to sexual what can precipitate problems from the partner, otherwise you usually happy to be, men sexually fulfilled.

You can imagine when the event occurs, the so at man it self-fulfilling prophecy, no matter what cause or frequency and intensity will focus on imagine unrealistic not.

These are rare in certain drugs are other major causes of premature ejaculation.

Bad news: it is in your head!

Good news: treatment is possible!

Well, after you confirm the cause of the above list, will obviously address it in their may issue. Surgery is it after all, like you or going to die from it if not. May impact on the fertility of major medical problems actually are associated with premature ejaculation may be involved in a serious condition or it is. Otherwise, mainly damage relationships with your ego and your sexual partner.

Have you experience some negative impact on sexual performance and find the face of it there all you need. If you are experiencing impotence help may process issues. If you have high levels of stress might trick or, taking those issues dealing with meditation and relaxation of some sort. You can help even more references available online public library cause of premature ejaculation you means decision as personal well, possible changes in the situation and make.

On the other hand, if the medical condition is or may be to handle it yourself, too complex to be dealing with at the professional level.

Expert help for your choice read your family doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, list again, sexual experience for all of you, your family life will divulge sensitive information about the relationship between children and adults, parents and other family members and some very or you may be prompted for your health list goes on.... Completely honest, professional, to see them ago going on to prepare because all such must pull the information.

Actually, just "is to get this" spiritually and emotionally prepared does not. Dig ago emotions instead of the event deeply forgotten your history, thoughts and emotions, experience, and related to the visit. Us all less painful situation the physician replied and gave a small list of problems I think nothing wrong if you said, one more all was okay or just some left office is required. Doctors or other professionals to assist you to evaluate them as much information available and working needs.

Help understanding and intention of your sexual partner to create a cure for premature ejaculation, as pointed out earlier on in the hope a valuable can be.

Causes of premature ejaculation is variety, you can work together. Drugs can help with a specific technology with help yourself and your sexual partner to resolve it, if you can't figure it out. Some of these techniques from the many available reference materials or can be learned through wise research a little on the Internet. The medical intervention, of course, require medical assistance.

Are graduates of the University of West Florida and Donovan Baldwin Stone Mountain, Georgia, is a freelance writer. He is a member of Mensa, is retiring after 21 years of service from United States Army. During his career, he has many business and has held the position of Director. But main pleasures of his writing, nature, health, and fitness for many years. In the last few years, he can combine the joy of these by writing articles and poems on subjects such as health, fitness, weight lifting, yoga, weight loss, environment, global warming, happiness, self improvement, life has been. He has a health online, storage of products, including a group of men's health products may be found at .

Sunday, December 11, 2011

By Kyle: IM me please.

The reason that your boyfriend come too quickly when he suffers from premature ejaculation is because there is too much friction on his penis. Stimulation gets too intense and activates its climax.

So, what can he do to stop this from happening? He can increase the lubrication. A common way to do this is to use purchased in the shop, lubricant like KY jelly or something. That's okay, but not great. You will have to keep applying, which is annoying for her and him. A much better way is to please you on the bed so much before and during sex that "you" you become soaking wet and stays alone, without the aid of artificial lubrication. This is a good idea for two reasons. First, it keeps things so slick, decreased friction and his sexual performance is extended and second, you break up sex with other activities, which not only keep "you" wet, but also keep "you" on and enjoy sex like crazy.

Here a few ways to do it. Remember: make at least 10 minutes before last and make sure he does "you" very wet, long before it starts to penetrative sex and also remember to use techniques not penetrative sex between positions to give the break from penis stimulation that needs.

Here's how to get to him to get "YOU" soaking wet: (lol, don't be excited oo!)

Even before the preliminaries, he will need to turn on the "you". Do this by getting the girl in the mood. You should know how to do this already, because you know better than anyone the girl, but you can try: speaking slowly and descriptive as cornea and transformed into you feel and how sexy and attractive looks. Not start doing this in the middle of the road. Wait for the scene and the mood is right. Build slowly and make it genuine. Start slowly touching her, but not on her sexual areas, such as her breasts and between his legs. Gently touching her neck and slide your fingers up and down the arms bare. You get the idea. Be smooth and sensual. Devote a lot of time to tease your partner before taking oral or manual contact with her vagina. You want her to be gagging for the mouth and fingers before she gets them. Preliminaries start using your mouth and fingers. If you know that I am not very good with oral, get practicing! Read about good techniques and use them on your girl. During the preliminary oral or other, control wet as you you are inserting the fingers into the vagina. Keep nice she until she is really wet and, well, almost sticky there. When you start the penetration, she'll be really wet, so she won't dry up by pumping her hard and fast now. Start really slow and steady. This you will get even more moist and will also keep under control the levels of stimulation.

For more ways to last longer in bed, check out the free report->

Has some great techniques in it, and what is important is that ... It really works for me:)

View the original article here

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Introduction to Premature Ejaculation and Its Causes

Also known as involuntary ejaculation, premature ejaculation happens whenever you reach orgasm before you want or intend to. Some studies have reported that it takes about 5-10 minutes on an average to reach ejaculation from the moment you are aroused. But this is irrelevant if both partners are satisfied with their sexual life. Premature ejaculation can become a problem if your partner wants you to stay erect for a longer time than you usually do. This can be very frustrating for a relationship. Premature erection is a common problem. It has been estimated that about 70% of men worldwide suffer from this sexual condition. Some men aren't even aware that they have this problem, probably because their partners might be hesitant about discussing it.

Causes of pre-ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is usually a temporary condition that largely affects inexperienced or very young men or those who are at the initial stages of a relationship. Most cases of premature ejaculation are caused by stress, performance anxiety or excitement. Quick climaxing may be a habit developed during youth but may persist later in life. Premature ejaculation is sometimes caused by physical conditions such as extreme penile sensitivity, multiple sclerosis, damaged nerves or other neurological troubles.

Primary pre-ejaculation - Conditioning, trauma and upbringing

Premature ejaculation can be categorized as primary premature ejaculation and secondary premature ejaculation. Primary premature ejaculation occurs when you have experienced this condition ever since you became sexually active. Unlike temporary premature ejaculation, primary or lifelong premature ejaculation is rarely caused by any physical condition. It is likely to be caused by the following psychological factors.

Conditioning: Experts believe that your early experiences with the sex act can influence and condition your future sexual activity. For instance, if, as a teenager, you have conditioned yourself to quickly ejaculate so that you don't get caught having sex or masturbating, you will find it tough to break this habit.

Trauma: If you have had a traumatic sexual experience, particularly at a young age, you might suffer from sexual anxiety for the rest of your life. Traumatic experiences may range from the comparatively mild, such as being caught while masturbating, to the really serious, such as being sexually abused.

Upbringing: If you have had a repressive upbringing, particularly where sex is concerned, you might find it hard to relax while having sex, and may consider sexual activity as sinful or wrong. Too many sexual inhibitions can often lead to pre ejaculation.

Secondary premature ejaculation - Psychological and physical causes

Secondary pre ejaculation occurs if you have had normal ejaculation when you first became sexually active, but suddenly develop this condition. The causes for secondary pre ejaculation can be linked to both physical as well as psychological factors. Commonly experienced psychological factors include unresolved problems such as emotional or sexual issues between you and your partner or other conflicts within a relationship, performance anxiety, particularly when it's a new relationship, as well as stress and depression. The physical causes that contribute to secondary pre ejaculation include medical conditions such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, prostate problems, alcoholism and hypothyroidism.

Delayed ejaculation

There are a number of physical as well as psychological factors that can cause delayed ejaculation. The psychological causes that lead to delayed ejaculation, such as conditioning, trauma, depression, stress, relationship problems and repressive upbringing, are the same as those of pre ejaculation. Physical causes such as injury to the spinal cord, diabetes, prostate or bladder surgery and multiple sclerosis also contribute to the likelihood of premature ejaculation. A few medications also lead to delayed ejaculation. These medications include antidepressants, hypertension drugs as well as recreational drugs. Excessive alcohol is also known to cause pre-ejaculation.

Retrograde ejaculation

Retrograde ejaculation can be caused by injury to the muscles or the nerves that surround your bladder. During a normal ejaculation, semen is thrust out through your urethra and is blocked from going into your bladder by the muscles that surround it. If however, the bladder nerves or muscles are damaged due to some reason, the semen will go into the bladder instead of the urethra. The most likely causes of retrograde ejaculation include bladder or prostate surgery or medical conditions such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes or medications such as alpha blockers that are used in the treatment of high blood pressure.

Webmaster would present the information on range of premature ejaculation treatment products like coolmann delay gel and stud 100 delay spray to last longer in bed.