Any man who loves really his girlfriend or wife want to convince them to bed. But often women need more time than the man to orgasm. If man cannot prevent ejaculation, his daughter may be dissatisfied. It can cause misunderstanding between spouses and lovers and sever their relationship. There were many men undergoing ejaculation almost every time that they have sex. They cannot control the ejaculation and therefore cannot last longer in bed. It is very frustrating problem and it can cause problems in your personal life, but work and other activities. It can break your relationship self-assessment and ruin. If you meet ejaculation and want to resolve this problem, this article is for you. Here you can really find working recommendations to overcome the ejaculation. Almost in all cases, you do not need serious medical treatments and can resolve this problem yourself.
So what is ejaculation?
Premature ejaculation is when a man reach orgasm before he or his partner wants. It is also called rapid ejaculation, rapid climax, premature climax or ejaculation. Each couple has its own standards. For some couples 4 minutes of penetration is normal and sufficient to achieve orgasm. But for couples another 10-12 is not sufficient. According to research, ejaculation is when a man before his partner get orgasm. Average time of penetration for men who know this problem is 2 to 4 minutes.
What are the causes of ejaculation?
There are two groups of causes.
Psychological causes. The main psychological causes of ejaculation are stress and depression. Anxiety and guilt are also psychological factors of rapid ejaculation. With the sexual experience and age, men usually learn how delaying orgasm and ejaculation control.
Physical causes. Premature ejaculation is rarely caused by any underlying illness, structural or physical problems. Can also be caused by an underlying medical cause as a side effect of certain drugs, injuries or hormone problems. This problem cannot be solved by the man himself. They must deal with me my doctor.
How you can control your ejaculation?
Almost in all cases, ejaculation resolves on its own over time without the need for medical treatment. You just need to know what is your problem and try to eliminate its causes. There are a few simple methods that can help you to overcome the problem of early ejaculation. You can use all the or select a few techniques that you like the most.
First you must relax. If you always think to what you last longer in bed and to focus on this problem when you are in bed, your brain will recall its usual mechanism and send the signal of your penis it is time to ejaculate. Enjoy your partner and you can relax.
Do not hurry. Devote more time to foreplay. Try your very strong partner sexual excitation. It may help to minimize the time to reach orgasm for your partner to reduce strain in relationship so that give you a good moral training.
If you use condoms step, try it out. It makes your less sensitive penis and may help them last longer. If you use condoms every time that you can try to use anesthetics and oil gels. But you should be careful, because this gels may delay the orgasm of your partner.
Control your breath. This method is related to the first recommendation. You should relax and breathe deeply. It may be not so simple that you can think of, but if you learn to relax in his bed and how to control your breath, you will learn how to control your ejaculation.
Try different Positions. When you speak to come, just change the position. This a few seconds it takes to change your position is sufficient to delay orgasm. Also in certain positions you can last longer. Try to find it.
Squeeze Technique. This technique is developed by Masters and Johnson. When you feel that you are close to orgasm, tighten the head of the penis you for 5 to 10 seconds. It will delay the orgasm. Sometimes you can lose your erection, but you can restore it easily.
Train your pubococcygeus (PC) muscles, this control of muscles of sperm flow. You will lose control over it during orgasm. So if you learn to control and to form it, you will be able to delay orgasm. Search for Kegel exercises in Internet. They really work.
This methods are generally sufficient to learn how to control ejaculation. If you try this techniques for months regularly and there are no differences, you should visit a doctor because there may be physical causes of ejaculation and you need special treatment.
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