To completely control premature ejaculation naturally & permanently read with the intention of putting 100% efforts.
Premature ejaculation is recurrent & persistent ejaculation before either partner is satisfied. Simply defined it's your satisfaction before your partner's satisfaction.
Implement followings 8 tips & techniques to completely control & stop premature ejaculation permanently.
1) Relax: listen relaxing music, movie, meditate or simply hypnotize yourself. But stay away from anxiety, tension. Meditation did it for me.
2) Solve relationship issues: don't take fights to bed. Spend quality time with each other. Both should put efforts in tackling premature ejaculation.
3) Awareness of "point of no return" or "threshold of ejaculation": it's that last point after which a person ejaculates.
technique: Increase awareness for whole body (genitals included) in a sensual way. Watch as your penis goes through different stages & prepares itself for penetration.
This awareness of penis will come handy in recognizing threshold of ejaculation, so that one can stop crossing the threshold.
Tips to recognize "point of no return":
Obviously men will feel to ejaculate with full force.
Penis will be hardest, bonny now.
Concentration mostly on genitals.
4)flex PC muscles now: fake as if you need to pee, but couldn't find some place, just fake now & you located them. Use energy of pelvic region (stomach & lower) in all your activity, include your PC muscles also, they too will be exercised along with other activities.
Like while climbing stairs, one normally uses legs, now just constrict lower pelvic region too, now you use legs %2B PC muscles.
Now when you leave this chair, just use your pelvic region as an energy center (give shoulders,biceps some rest).
Do some exercises & weights to gain grip over pelvic region. (As I mentioned combine PC muscles too).
Increase awareness about penis, which will give handy knowledge of "point of no return". This will also give hard erections.
TIP: do not try to stop ejaculation solely through PC muscles Instead try stop & start technique or other technique when you think ejaculation is near.
Today's challenge: Can you stop 5 times while peeing?.
5) Change strokes: change intensity of strokes according to your current level of arousal. Only you can decide that. When you feel you are far from ejaculation do it intense, if you look close to ejaculation go slow.
6) Stop & start: as the sensations seems to be becoming too much to control & ejaculation looks imminent, just stop, do some other sexual-activity (except pumping) like change sex-position, location, small talk, massage or tender kiss.
So that you have total control over your sensations (while removing concentration away from penis) also you don't look awkward.
fact to keep in mind: for longer sex one has to keep their sensations under control otherwise over-stimulation will lead to ejaculation prematurely.
Last resort: if somehow one has crossed "point of no return" then what to do?
Stop pumping immediately, make sure you don't tense your penis, and instead leave it completely on its own. Take deep breadth. Concentrate away from penis. Don't try to spew semen out with force instead allow it to pour out without you using any force.
Result: if you succeeded in ejaculating without that force of penis, which one normally experiences, then you will get free lubrication, no loss of erection, ready for sex again within no time (One has to have practice & patience for that).
7) Body, mind & soul: all above are some of physical practices (though important) that one can do. Now start a new realm of using "mind over matter". With mind one can control premature ejaculation as long as he wants (I mean those words). Mind will also make whole process easy. It just work like hypnotic suggestions which body responds faithfully.
Technique: visualize energy in your genital region, then as you are having sex visualize it moving upwards through stomach, chest, neck up to the center of brain or eyebrows, meeting your consciousness.
What this will do?
Most importantly it will remove concentration away from penis. Help one to increase awareness of whole body sensually. One intuitively will recognize when he is close to ejaculation & change gears. So it's reciprocal connection in a healthy way.
8) Kick away depression & be happy: There is some reason why anti-depressant delay ejaculation but taking a pill is a good way of having a worse & synthetic orgasm. Use spray & you stand a chance of desensitizing your partner. They give few minutes but give dependability on them. Not a single pill is FDA approved.
Though above techniques are for controlling ejaculation up to 2 hrs but as the statement will be highly generalized i can safely say that if premature ejaculation is not severe & one religiously follow above techniques then 20-30 minutes will be really child's play within 5-6 months. Implementation is the key.
It's strongly recommended that at longer periods of time one learns various sexual-positions, biting, moaning & other such sexual activities, to have an interest in sex or one can loose interest in sex due to monotonous pumping.
Go now to know more on how to cure premature ejaculation now.
Mohinish Nirwal is a passionate writer on the sexuality, writing many helpful tips & techniques. Visit his blog
Just because you’re dealing with a health issue right now doesn’t mean you should forget about having intimacy with your partner. This period gives you an opportunity to explore new techniques and ways to please each other.
ReplyDeleteIntimacy is much more than penetrative sex. So many other activities can contribute to amazing pleasure. If you can’t sustain an erection for long enough, you’ll simply need to get creative.
Listen to your partner and experiment with techniques that will leave you both satisfied. full prosolution review here