Are you one of the 40% of the male population that is currently suffering from premature ejaculation? If so, this article will provide some ejaculation tips on how can resolve this men’s health issue. So exactly what is premature ejaculation and what can you do to stop premature ejaculation from affecting your sex life?
Generally, male ejaculation issues become a problem when a man is unable maintain ejaculation control before his female sex partner is ready to orgasm. Physiologically, men and women differ on the length of time it takes to produce an ejaculation/orgasm.
Men are capable of ejaculating within 2-5 minutes of sexual stimulation whereas it normally takes women 5-15 minutes of sexual stimulation before they can orgasm. Because of the dramatic time differences in the male-female sexual satisfaction process, male ejaculation becomes the issue more often because men are simply unable to hold their ejaculation long enough for their partner to orgasm.
One of the ejaculation tips that are beneficial to stopping premature ejaculation is to seek professional help so that this problem does not end up causing a serious issue in your life. I’m not saying that you need to go to a doctor to get treatment for premature ejaculation. There are numerous books written by certified sex counselors that can help you.
One of the best books written on premature ejaculation is called The Ejaculation Trainer and it is written by a professional therapist who has dealt with his own personal ejaculation issues in addition to the countless patients that he has seen in his practice. In this book you will learn specific mental and physical exercise is that you can perform on your own that will cure premature ejaculation within 1-6 weeks.
The author is so successful with his professional techniques that he provides a 100% money-back guarantee on his book if you still have ejaculation control problems after following the ejaculation tips that he outlines. Essentially what you are doing by going through the easy-to-follow step-by-step techniques in The Ejaculation Trainer is retraining your body’s response to sexual stimuli.
If you really want to get back your sense of self-esteem when it comes to sex, I suggest you take a look at the simple ejaculation tips outlined in this book and follow them as proscribed. You’ll be shocked that within 1-6 weeks you’ll be back on top of your game, ready to handle any woman that comes your way. For more information, Click Here now to visit the author’s official website!
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