If you want to bring back the true stud that you really are, you need to work at preventing premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation prevention is not as difficult as you may think and you have come to the right place to find an answer for your erectile dysfunction issue. This men’s health problem can have serious consequences to your ego and self esteem and is best dealt with head-on.
You should understand that you are not alone in dealing with male premature ejaculation. Estimates as high as 40% show that most men during some point in their life suffer from a premature ejaculation problem. Current evidence suggests that preventing premature ejaculation can be cured with information about premature ejaculation causes and subsequent treatments. Without question, there are effective treatments for ejaculation problems.
Understanding the difference in the physiology of the male and female sexual response is the first step in preventing premature ejaculation. On average men are able to ejaculate within 2-5 minutes of sexual arousal whereas women on average need between 5-15 minutes before they are able to orgasm. As you can see, men and women have different timetables for having their needs met during sex.
Because women cannot consciously will their sexual arousal physiology to change, a man has the burden of lasting longer during sex by controlling premature ejaculation. One main treatment for premature ejaculation is to retrain your body’s response to the sexual arousal process. This retraining can be achieved quite effectively by following a set of scientifically verified set of exercises.
If you have been dealing with a premature ejaculation problem for any length of time you may be skeptical in your belief that preventing premature ejaculation is possible. I can state, unequivocally, that you are wrong in thinking that there is no cure for preventing premature ejaculation. In fact, a well-known expert in the field of sex counseling has written a book that guarantees that you can solve your erectile dysfunction issue within 1-6 weeks or he provides you with a full refund.
The Ejaculation Trainer is the groundbreaking work that is the most effective treatment for premature ejaculation. The author literally takes you by the hand and shows you step by step how you can retrain your body through a series of mental and physical exercises that will end premature ejaculation within 1-6 weeks. To learn more about this amazing book Click Here to visit the author’s official website!
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