If you are a man who cannot control his ejaculation speed, this article will provide advice that can help you slow down. As the title suggests metaphorical, it is better to be a turtle as a Hare. This simply means that your ejaculation speed is more slowly than speedy. It is important to understand that the men and women physiologically differ in their response to arousal from ejaculation or orgasm.
Male ejaculation speed may take between 2 to 5 minutes while women generally need from 5 to 15 minutes until they orgasm. Throughout history sex was a necessary component for the procreation of the human species. A man whose ejaculation speed was fast was able to procreate more quickly. However, in modern times, women enjoy equal rights and considered to be human beings sexual deserve to have fun during intercourse.
Women requiring a longer period of sexual arousal until they can orgasm, now it's men to slow their rate of ejaculation, so that they can provide their partners with an orgasm before or at the same time as they ejaculate. Because there has been millions of years of evolution have dictated the physiology of ejaculation speed human process lasting longer for many men does not come naturally. It is estimated that as high as 40% of men suffer from some ejaculation in their lives.
For 50 years, there were many study on male and female sexual response. If you're a guy who is struggling to control your ejaculation speed this research provides good news. There are actually mental and control physical exercises you can do that will affect your nervous system in a way that will give you the time you want to ejaculate.
If you have experienced problems of speed of ejaculation for awhile, I understand that you may be skeptical that there is no type of treatment for your condition. However, there is a book written by a consultant of sex called trainers ejaculation which guarantees that if you follow physical and mental exercises set out in the book, 1-6 weeks, you will be in full control of your ejaculation speed. The book is an incredible work that shows you based step by step exactly what to do. For more information click here now!
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