Sunday, March 6, 2011

Problems of prostate - monitor and correct ejaculation

Ejaculation is the main reason why many couples do not fully enjoy their sexual relations. Many men would give anything to take control of their ejaculation perfectly, but don't know how to get it.

What is premature ejaculation?

Ejaculation not defined in the same way by all authors, but we could say that it is the inability to control ejaculation in men.

Some authors argue that a man has cum otherwise resist 30 seconds (others put the border between 30 seconds and 7 minutes) after vaginal penetration.

A patient sexological consultation sometimes come to believe who does no ejaculation because you ejaculate never before penetration.

Lack of ejaculation control becomes a problem when the man did not resist at least a reasonable delay, i.e. sufficiently for a woman is satisfied.

This quick problem is a lack of physical discipline, and therefore every man can achieve through adequate training his ejaculation is a voluntary act completely.

What is premature ejaculation?

We must first clarify that that is not a disease or something that some men are born.

The cause of ejaculation. Not age inexperience, many sexual arousal or or sexual hypersensitivity. Ejaculation is not left nerve something physical, such as the problems of brake, phimosis, testicles, prostate, weakness or tenderness in the glans.

Ejaculation causes can be very varied, and due to lack of information or preparing to initiate sex, State of anxiety or insecurity caused by other problems sexual (such as impotence), or the lack of interest in sex etc. extension to become a conditioned reflex ejaculation.

Therefore, the ejaculation diagnosis requires no analyses of blood, semen, ultrasound, urine or shots or anything.

How to control ejaculation?

Many men think that premature ejaculation has passed with age, or that men have more sexual experience. The reality is that the man who does not control your ejaculation and can continue to life, you can create a lot of frustration. Whenever this occurs, he lives with more frustration and anxiety, which without any doubt an influence on the relationship with your partner. This is all the more regrettable since ejaculation is almost 100% of cases.

As for treatment, a perfect ejaculation control is not achieved through:

-Councils, conferences or group therapy
-Step with any injection, pastille, medicine ointment, capsules, esprais, hormones, vitamins, or pharmaceutical products;
-Even with operations phimosis, procedures or treatment of the prostate
-Even with instruments or equipment sophisticated.

The only scientific, serious and effective treatment to cure or prevent ejaculation is by learning through very specific and technical exercises that man must learn and practice alone or with your partner, if any.

Experience shows us that if mankind continues to rigorously our method, although not yet succeeded in engaging in sexual relations before ejaculation, as is the case for some people to have a normal relationship, i.e. a long preparation and perfect penetration control of ejaculation.

Early males as such, is a person who is a State of permanent anguish in the same way that is quickly going to do things, never has always time to what, you do both and so immediately. also at the same time ejaculates. I.e., anxiety expelled anyway. Is strongly associated with premature ejaculation as a way to be a way of life, it comes to global concepts, not all are acting this way.

Male ejaculation is often responsible for a lack of motivation for sexual acts, a devaluation of their image and their evolution can reach psychological impotence. Women ejaculation your partner can also come from a lack of motivation to make love, an absence of orgasm and may progress to secondary frigidity. For the couple, evolution is conducted upon the breakdown of communication emotional, sensual and erotic, which often leads to a separation of the.

To better understand premature ejaculation, you have to say something about the physiology of ejaculation, which occurs after the excitement phase and consists of two periods:

-A period immediately pre-ejaculate which corresponds to the voltage of sperm in the genital tract beyond. In this short period and sexual arousal is reversible and man can learn to recognize this limitation and prevent the next phase is irreversible and down.

-A period of ejaculation, which corresponds to the expulsion of contractions of the genital tract and gets to the expulsion of sperm. This short period is irreversible and uncontrollable.

The treatment is right for you, that physiology is behavioural and contains exercises with progressively increasing difficulty. These exercises will help step by step, accustomed you at your own pace, to increasingly strong stimuli and recognize the moment where you have to leave your alarm clock. Thus gradually learn to control your enthusiasm and above all control when you choose your partner ejaculates. Melt behaviour therapies in the fact that the negative acknowledgment messages repeatedly, coupled with a bad attitude of daily events often lead to sexual problems. Cognitive behavioural therapy should progressively modify the negative behavior with behavioral exercises to return to positive behavior.

Ejaculation never fixed over time, it is necessary to begin treatment as soon as possible, no doubt, help solve your problem.

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