Saturday, December 31, 2011

Premature Ejaculation Info

Premature ejaculation is a dysfunction that has yet to receive a thorough scientific and medical diagnosis. Throughout the ages, the definition of what it is has altered. Masters and Johnson were a research team that was devoted to exploring sexual dysfunctions but they were only able to provide some basic premature ejaculation info and their definition of premature dysfunction was simply if a man ejaculated before his partner had an orgasm.

This definition did not sit well with most men. For starters, it may be the woman who has a problem with achieving orgasm, and not the man's fault for being able to achieve one before her. Secondly, it was reported that well over half of all sexual encounters actually ended with the man's partner not having yet orgasming.

Premature ejaculation was then loosely defined as a man ejaculating 2 minutes or less after having penetrated his partner. This failed to take into account, however, the amount and time spent in foreplay. If any oral sex or touching or even kissing was involved prior to intercourse, this may very well vary the amount of time a man can last inside his partner without ejaculating.

Modern times has generally defined premature ejaculation as a man not having control over when he ejaculates, which in turn causes emotional and sexual distress of one or both lovers involved in the intercourse.

To further complicate matters, these days there are also two defined "types" of this condition. There is primary premature ejaculation, which is more of a long term issue - if you are a man who has always seemed to jump the gun with his climaxes, this may very well be you. There is then secondary premature ejaculation, which refers to a man suddenly suffering from premature ejaculation when he was able to perform normally before.

There are two more classifications of premature ejaculations: the normal variable (when premature ejaculation occurs seldom) and premature-like (when a man is able to have intercourse well beyond 2-5 minutes, yet both he and his partner expect him to last longer).

Before you start blaming yourself for any sort of premature ejaculation dysfunction, it is important for you to acknowledge that there are a number of factors that can be causing the problem and that is it not directly your fault.

Physical factors include any head, neck or spinal cord injuries. These will impair both nerve and hormonal responses to sex, often causing either premature ejaculation or no ejaculation at all (erectile disorder).

Psychological factors also definitely come into play. These may or may not include repression, depression, and stress. So if you have been finding yourself working over time and hardly catching a break at work, there's a good chance that this very stress is what is causing your problem.

Genetics have recently been suspected to also play a role in premature ejaculations. You may want to do a bit of digging in the family history to see if your father, brother(s), any uncle(s) or grandfathers may have suffered from this dysfunction.

Fortunately, there are a number of treatments available, ranging from medical to psychological, and medical to natural. Consult our medical practitioner to find the best treatment option for you.

Hi My name is Paul Williams. After actively looking for years for ways to solve premature ejaculation, I finally stumbled upon a solution that permanently put an end to all my PE problems. If you want more premature ejaculation info and ways to permanently get rid of this condition and improve your sexual performance, then feel free to visit my site on Premature Ejaculation.

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