Monday, January 23, 2012

Premature Ejaculation Tips - How to Overcome Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation amongst men is a very common problem and can be very disruptive to the sexual health of a relationship. It's nothing to worry about though because in the large majority of cases premature ejaculation can be treated in one way or another. In this article, I've got a few pointers that you can use to lengthen your time to ejaculation.

The Problem with most Premature Ejaculation Tips

If you do a study on the internet then you'll see that there is an absolute bucket load of information about things that you can do to prevent premature ejaculation. The problem is, a lot of these solutions aren't pleasurable at all.

For instance, some people will tell you to stop and start during sex. What's that all about? Who wants to do that when they're having a good time? This isn't a solution to premature ejaculation, this is just interrupting sex. It's a cover up - it doesn't tackle the root of the problem, therefore in my eyes it's no good!

Sprays, pills, audio CD's - they're all rubbish. Here's what you really should be concentrating on if you want to overcome your premature ejaculation for good and still enjoy sex without making it seem like a chore!

Premature Ejaculation Tip 1 - Mental Control

Guys seriously, what you think about when you're in the middle of intercourse directly corresponds to how quickly you climax. You need to be able to control your thoughts whilst you're having sex with someone. If you think the wrong stuff, you're going to blow. Most people realise this to a certain degree but don't know what to think, it makes them nervous or stressed and that makes them more susceptible to ejaculating! It's a catch 22 situation.

Premature Ejaculation Tip 2 - Hormone Regulation

There are two hormones in your body that directly relate to your body's ability to control ejaculation. One is called dopamine and the other serotonin. You need to regulate these hormones so that they're balanced exactly how you want them and the great thing is you can actually do this naturally without any drugs or SSRI's like Prozac which is commonly used to treat premature climaxing if you go to a doctor.

Premature Ejaculation Tip 3 - Exercise your pelvic region

There are muscles in your pelvic region that can be strengthened through regular exercises. These exercises are commonly known as Kegel exercises and when developed the male can squeeze the muscles tight together and prevent ejaculation. The bottom line is, if you don't know how to develop and use these muscles during sex then you'll never be able to control your ejaculation.

The Complete Solution

If you pay attention to all three of those issues I mentioned in the article you'll have a much more satisfactory sex life. You and your partner will be able to enjoy sex as it is supposed to be enjoyed. For specific instructions that tell you exactly what to do in each of the three groups I always recommend The Ejaculation Trainer as it is highly commended for being the fastest and most effective program to cure premature ejaculation. There is a review of the book here.

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